Mount Elgon National Park

Mount Elgon National Park is a national park 140km (87mi) north of Lake Victoria. The park spans the border between Uganda and Kenya in Western Uganda. The Ugandan portion covers 1,110km2 and is home to the famous Sipi Falls.

Activities in Mount Elgon National Park

Sipi Falls Hike:
This is the most popular activity in Mount Elgon National Park. Take a guided hike through the series of three waterfalls known and Sipi Falls. The landscape is stunning – expect beautiful views across the valley from the side of Mount Elgon, as well as a trip behind the rushing falls.

Sipi Falls Abseiling:
For those who are more brave, strap yourself in and abseil 100m down from the tallest of the falls. An amazing way to experience the falls up close, and is sure to get your adrenaline pumping!

Mount Elgon Coffee Tour:
Experience firsthand how coffee has been made for generations on the slopes of Mount Elgon. This will include roasting the beans over a village kitchen fire and grinding them using a traditional “omusekuzo” and “ekinu” (a large version of a mortar and pestle). At the end you’ll get to try the coffee you’ve made!

Accommodations in Mt Elgon National Park

The Crow’s Nest, Lacam Lodge, Sipi River Lodge, Sipi Falls Resort.

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